O - level/ SC - Notes Maths
1. Numbers
2. Set language and notation
3. Squares, square roots, cubes and cube roots
4. Directed Numbers
5. Vulgar and decimal fractions and percentages
6. Ordering
7. Standard form
8. The four operations
9. Estimation
10. Limits of accuracy
11. Ratio, proportion, rate
12. Percentages
13. Use of electronic calculator
14. Time
15. Money
16. Personal and small business finance
17. Algebraic representation and formulae
18. Algebraic manipulation
19. Indices
20. Solutions of equation and inequalities
21. Graphical representation of inequalities
22. Sequences
23. Variation
24. Graphs in practical situations
25. Graphs of functions
26. Function notation
27. Coordinate Geometry
28. Geometrical terms
29. Geometrical Constructions
30. Similarity and congruence
31. Symmetry
32. Angles
33. Loci
34. Measures
35. Mensuration
36. Trigonometry
37. Vectors in two dimensions
38. Matrices
39. Transformations
40. Probability
41. Categorical, numerical and grouped data
42. Statistical diagrams
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